Cafe Penguini

Today you’ll be the real director at Cafe Penguini! Poor Berthe is exhausted from her job and you must assist her. The diner has recently opened and there’s just one space available, and there are many customers at the cafe. Penguin doesn’t have time to attend to customers. She also has an unpleasant chef at her side, always disgruntled and ranting about some issue. Keep the place in order and learn new tricks. Visitors are attracted by the warm atmosphere, tasty menu and location of the cafe because it floats right on the water.
Help Berta by putting a client at a table, serve their order, and serve them the dish they’ve requested. If the chef is in error and cooks unnecessary food the food is destroyed and the client is furious. Relieve him and provide a tasty alternative. There are burgers on the menu, ice desserts, sweet eclairs pizza, lemonade and lots of other treats. In the initial stages, there is the table is only one, where to put the newcomer and not be apathetic and serve them quickly. The customer is allowed to wait for 30 seconds. Don’t allow him time to order and he’ll leave with tales of disgust about the cafe. Don’t let this happen!
The future of the institution is based on its success and financial viability. On a daily basis, you need to have a certain amount in the register for cash. When you’ve earned it and the cafe is afloat on ice to another place where the selection and patrons are larger. Gradually you can put up tables, broaden the variety of dishes and gather tips from walruses, happy bears and penguins. Take a shot, and we’re confident that you’re the top!